Thursday, August 31, 2006

Class 1 - Class Introduction

This class reviewed the class structure through the syllabus. We also discussed the various assignments that would be completed throughout the semester.

There were a number of Web Links that we discussed. Lois Lindell was gracious enough to make a list of these links as we discussed them and they are listed below: – google your name - searched with the term distance education, selected an ERIC citation – use Rod Library Electronic databases to search for an ERIC article found in previous search - explored a PNY 1gig

google map – locate a place with an address

google earth – locate a place with an address – zoom in, rotate, etc. . visit the Grand Canyon. This program actually requires you to download the Google Earth software before running it. - searched for Cannon D by Pachabel played on Guitar -- searched for Web 2.0

blog link on data base course home page in WebCT or direct at

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Welcome to Using Databases in Education

Welcome to the 2006 Fall semester of Using Databases in Education.

This blog is your opportunity to access additional resources and comment on new things that you find related to this class.

It is my intention that I will post after each class to include additional resources and hopefully podcast the class. This podcasted class is NOT a way to allow you to skip class. It is a way that we can immortalize the words of the evening and you can review them at a later date to deepen your learning . . . or maybe even to study for the midterm. =-)

You will be able to "Comment" on these postings that I make. I have arranged the settings so that you can post as "Anonymous" if you wish. If you use Anonymous, we would appreciate it if you would sign the posting so that we know who you are.

I hope that you enjoy the class and are willing to venture into some of the Web 2.0 add-ons that I will be integrating into the class.

Please comment on this posting so that you can get used to the process.

Dr. Z